Oktoberfest Burton 2014

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Bring your whole family out to Burton on October 11th from 3:00pm to 10:00pm to celebrate Oktoberfest Burton.

There will be weenie dog races, ladies stein races, men’s beer barrel roll races, German Costume contest and more.

Feast on authentic German Food and Beer and listen and dance to some grate polka bands.  Click HERE for more details.

This is one of the Best Little German Fests in Texas, ja ja

A fond farewell to the “Squeeze Man”

PolkaWebThis Friday evening (January 24th from 6 pm to 8 pm) will be Gene Hackemack’s last time to preform his regular Friday evening entertainment at the Burton Café.  We will all miss him greatly.  He promised that this would not be the last we see of him and we will hold him to it.  We invite you all to come out Friday and have one last Sing-Along with Gene, the “Squeeze Man”.  Ja Ja

Breakfast with Santa.

A little Cuckoo Bird told us that Santa will be having Breakfast on December 21st at our Café in Burton.

We are so excited that he is coming that we just had to share it with all of our friends.

Santa will be eating a Large Breakfast to get ready for his big trip on Christmas Eve so he plans to be at the Burton Café from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.

Maybe some of your little ones didn’t get the chance to tell Santa what they wanted for Christmas, this would be a great time to get it done.

While you and your family are visiting with Santa, enjoy a hot stack of potato pancakes, eggs, bacon and much more from our Breakfast menu.

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!  Ja Ja

breakfast with Santa

Danke Schoen

It was obvious that everyone had a good time once the storm blew over.  The band moved inside because of the weather and this turned out to be a better deal by creating a party atmosphere inside the H.Knittel building.  Lots of fun happened outside as well, with Weenie Dog Races, Beer Stein races, Beer Barrel Roll Races, a Chicken Dance and Hansel and Gretel Village and Scavenger hunt.  A BIG Danke Schoen to everyone who helped and came out to support Burton’s very First Oktoberfest.  Ja Ja

gerog Burton sm

Georg cooked up some good times.

Kuckoos Nest sm

It looks like Paula and her husband from The Kuckuck’s Nest had a good time too.

Weenie race 1 sm

Weenie Dogs were racing, it was all fun and laughs, ja ja.

Wooden Keg sm

The wooden keg was tapped and the beer started to flow as the band played, Roll out the Barrel.

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Men rolling kegs through an obstacle course after drinking for a few hours can be quite entertaining.

stein race

Ladies racing with steins filled with water, because it is a waste to spill the beer.

hansel and gretel village kids

The little ones had a great time in the Hansel and Gretel Village, too cute.

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Our neighbors here in Burton love to celebrate their German Heritage.